其實架勢堂今次出晒名啦...爆光率又高左...樂觀D睇都可以當係免費宣傳呀...兩個月好快過...多人留意佢地仲好...好過被遺忘啦 点都好啦...呢個世界係有好多野估佢唔到又唔公平...發揮下hk人精神...盡左力都唔得就打死把就啦...努力做好所有野la 4ever suppoet he she hit!^V^
i think everyone has a different scale in his heart. for example, what do you think about that "goo wet tin wong" (a nickname of a BT guy)? did he deserve to be put in jail for what he did? most people might think it's too big of a punishment for him since he didn't 'hurt' anyone and he wasn't the only one who shared the movies. however, a group of people, especially those so-called 'creative artists' thought the society must do something to 'warn/threaten' the 'harmless' BT users. maybe if sami's top 10 topic was "the top 10 ways to BT without being caught", his 'artist friends' wouldn't yell out and say "SAMI! I SUPPORT U". to teach the ignorant people not to duplicate/share your movies or music is not as simple as just tell them THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE is not right but the whole moral value. come to think of it, the people who are supporting sami and kitty are most likely the same flock of sheep that are buying 'illegal duplicate DVDs' now. also, the newspaper and the magazines are not always escaped from the 'complains'. a magazine company was shut down immediately after it posted a nearly nude picture of a female actress who was thought to be harrassed years ago. aren't you glad that at that time, the same groups of 'women organizations' came out and said it's not right? maybe think it this way, today, what if the top 10 list had that female actress's name on it, would that 'sensitive' issue hurt her feeling again? we always think it's a light joke, but it's not, it's sexual harrassment or sexual assault and it is not a joke. it may hurt people and it's a criminal issue. the dj should not be viewed as an innocent and unfortunate scapegoat.this issue should not be encouraged or be twisted. sami may be a good and decent guy, but the top 10 title was wrong and should not be 'supported'. there's nothing wrong to like sami, but it's wrong to overlook the issue he 'indirectly or unintentionally' created.
hey~ unkle beach take it easy~ 香港人強項係善忘~ 呢件事証明左903係一個勁多人聽既電台~ 而每一個dj 0係聽眾既心裡面都可以話係朋友~ 放心,朋友係會等朋友,走前小小留後小小都係為左等埋你呀朋友!
灘叔 ..
我係頭先睇波活動個小莉丫 ..
我E-MAIL/MSN 係 creamylam1990@hotmail.com
你send個mail黎俾你影我同小彤張相我 ..
我俾番我同你影o既相你丫 ..
我 upload 左上網 ...
你如果中意post出黎o既話就post啦 ..
我地冇所謂o既其實 .. haha ...
reli nice to meet u ..! ^^
儘管不能高飛遠走, 唯有逆來順受?可以沉默,但不要低頭; 因為當你嘗試去避,瘋狗就更咄咄逼人,就好似d變態佬,你表現的不知所措,佢就仲興奮...
星期六報紙話現在青年支持森小,道德意識差...d學者話呢個反映出嚴重問題等;我同意架,因為我地呢d青年都係睇個兩份大報長大既,如果唔係點知有北姑搜尋器呀?!我地讀大學又係個d偽善學者教既,終於我地咪淨係識巴士阿叔啦,同認為'非禮'兩個字無傷大雅羅,因為我地見d 叔伯父老係地鐵巴士睇走光相同敢平常,我地又點識界別'非禮'原來係不良字眼呢...
灘叔, 難道因為「被監視」, 所以連圖連片也要從這地方刪除吧? 唉~ 很無奈呢~ 我有幸時運高在這裡看過那次珍藏的記錄, 謝謝你的分享! 雖然社會是那麼現實殘酷, 我還是相信陳強所說的: *上天無情‧人間有情*
未必人人都知道係咩事, 但係人人都喜歡湊熱鬧去插人, 大家都有大家嘅道理, 唯有等件事淡化吧,畢竟熱鬧湊完就算了...
你這文章顯出你嘅無奈, 不過都無辦法, 將壓力變為推動力~~
寫得有d玄, 玄得0黎讀者又睇得明......
我覺得有d傳媒係"過份自由", 監管都管唔住, 乜野垃圾都照寫, 老作....完全冇職業道德!
有d傳媒自由度又太少, 想發表一d野都要驚會唔會講錯野俾人插...
如果繼續係咁, 電台工作者0既自由度就會越0黎越狹窄, 到最後, 電台節目可能就會只得音樂節目....冇清談節目架喇.....
anyways, 聽眾係理智0既, 佢地識得分辨是非, 知道幾時係講笑, 幾時係認真。
我為到森小呢件事寄左三封formal letter去廣管局上訴
附在東方日報最受大眾歡迎的娛樂版內 厚厚一疊的「男極圈」
錯左, 佢地有認
anyways, 您地加油做好節目呀!
唔好俾痛腳人地捉住呀! ;)
speechless, is also a kind of self-protection :)
>>> SUPPORT <<<
4ever suppoet he she hit!^V^
不過我地都一定要堅強,我地所堅持ge 終有一日會實現~!!
i think everyone has a different scale in his heart. for example, what do you think about that "goo wet tin wong" (a nickname of a BT guy)? did he deserve to be put in jail for what he did? most people might think it's too big of a punishment for him since he didn't 'hurt' anyone and he wasn't the only one who shared the movies. however, a group of people, especially those so-called 'creative artists' thought the society must do something to 'warn/threaten' the 'harmless' BT users. maybe if sami's top 10 topic was "the top 10 ways to BT without being caught", his 'artist friends' wouldn't yell out and say "SAMI! I SUPPORT U". to teach the ignorant people not to duplicate/share your movies or music is not as simple as just tell them THIS PARTICULAR ISSUE is not right but the whole moral value. come to think of it, the people who are supporting sami and kitty are most likely the same flock of sheep that are buying 'illegal duplicate DVDs' now.
also, the newspaper and the magazines are not always escaped from the 'complains'. a magazine company was shut down immediately after it posted a nearly nude picture of a female actress who was thought to be harrassed years ago. aren't you glad that at that time, the same groups of 'women organizations' came out and said it's not right? maybe think it this way, today, what if the top 10 list had that female actress's name on it, would that 'sensitive' issue hurt her feeling again? we always think it's a light joke, but it's not, it's sexual harrassment or sexual assault and it is not a joke. it may hurt people and it's a criminal issue. the dj should not be viewed as an innocent and unfortunate scapegoat.this issue should not be encouraged or be twisted. sami may be a good and decent guy, but the top 10 title was wrong and should not be 'supported'. there's nothing wrong to like sami, but it's wrong to overlook the issue he 'indirectly or unintentionally' created.
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