「爆裂刑警」同「初戀無限touch」係so far自己搞過最鐘意的兩部電影,但搵隻歌會想起爆裂 又真係無喎,但初戀就有,但係並唔係其主題曲「短髮」(希望無記錯)亦都唔係「幾分鐘約會」,反而係呢隻
Merrilee Rush的
Merrilee Rush & The Turnabouts
Words And Music by Chip Taylor
There'll be no strings to bind your hands,
Not if my love can't bind your heart.
And there's no need to take a stand,
For it was I who chose to start.
I see no reason to take me home,
I'm old enough to face the dawn.
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Then slowly turn away... from me.
Maybe the sun's light will be dim
And it won't matter anyhow.
If morning's echo says we've sinned,
Well, it was what I wanted now.
And if we're the victims of the night,
I won't be blinded by light.
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Then slowly turn away...
I won't beg you to stay... with me...
Through the tears... of the day....
Of the years... baby, baby --
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby.
Just call me angel of the morning, Angel
Just touch my cheek before you leave me, baby....


至於點解關angel of the morning事?事緣當年做編劇,有精力,有熱誠,總之關我事同唔關我都要理,當年無而家咁必要有「製作特輯」,初戀有,記得係星期日十點半ATV播,當時咁樣播等如你係街執到一千銀,要好好運仲好好眼先會睇得到!但有得做,理得佢得幾多人睇丫,於是我自告奮勇去搞,同另一位金像剪接師一齊剪,估計三兩個鐘就搞掂,終於我地搞左二十五個鐘,為左二十幾分鐘野,其中有五個鐘係用黎搵歌,其實本身初戀有個預告,未出街版係用「angel of the moring」做襯底音樂,但版權關係,真正出街版本當然改左,但免費電視係無版權限制,所以我將我最鐘意的歌掟晒落去,呢隻係其中一隻。到而家我都夠膽講,呢個MAKING OF係好好睇,睇完好想睇部戲!所以我永遠記得晚,呢隻歌亦代表住果晚!可惜我自己keep的錄影帶在搬屋時遺失了,如果世上有人竟然有keep呢個making of,我願意用任何野交換!謝