

距離418,得番十七日,我唔知參加PlanA自到的人有幾多,因為會去的人,唔代表會報名,但參加PlanB,跟我旅行車的人數,就已經接近爆棚,實不相瞞,得番十七個位,如果想跟車,就把握最後機會,而PlanA人仕,好諗諗帶什麼入去食,我已經收到風,果日會有人整「乞兒雞」帶入去食!嘩!真係諗起都開心,雖然有人擔心果日會落雨,其實又有咩所謂,「風雨同路見真心,好玩唔怕淋鑊金!」 高高高~`



Winson said...

Hey Uncle Beach''

I esnt you a email but didnt receive a e-mail~@~@'' wanna to talk Plan B to go~~''

Unknown said...

Hi UB, 媽媽走了, 男朋友離去了, 對不起, 到不了...
做錯了, 人留不住, 感情留不住, total lost.

騷緋 said...


騷緋 said...

Hi Jessica, let me said something to you.

Please don't think "Total lost". You are gain. Try to take this chance for new start (Reborn).

My Mum & Dad also gone and my 9yrs ex bf ran away too. But they let me have new life and new start. I can share my expenience to you if you want to talk.

龍兒 said...


janjan said...

Hi Jessica: Just want to drop a note to you - As 騷緋 said, you're not total lost, we all learnt from experience - good or bad one which make us become a stronger person. And the best is yet to come. All the best!

櫻記士多*Ada* said...

Jessica, 無錯!!大家都講得好啱!讓時間把一切撫平,把心靈安慰!無失去何來得著,我支持妳架...加油!!

Wing said...

Jessica, be strong, we all support you!!!